Artistic, even at a young age, Dominique Egan won many awards throughout Elementary and High School. However, art was not the career path she chose , Her Career came in 2018 when she started to run the Pelican Pier Marina down on Marco island. On her slow days, she ventured back into her love for drawing and painting.
Dominique's work started to draw major attention, which fueled her fire to create more intriguing works of art. Fortunately, vast experience of both freshwater and saltwater fish gave her a huge catalogue of images to pull from and put on canvas. D.E.'s paints what moves her The beauty of the variety of species of Bass of her native waters in Naples, and the Gulf of Mexico and the Redfish, Snook, Tarpon, and Sailfish of his home in Florida all inspire her to create her images on canvas. She not only catches and studies these fish, but he also gets in the water with these fish while free diving, This gives D.E. points of reference to ensure his paintings are brought to life on salty canvases. For her, the fish and their environment exist as one.
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